In a beautiful line of theology, Emanuel Swedenborg writes, “Fruit born of love bears the seed.” That process is at the heart of our faith journey. A place where we come to both love our neighbor, and have faith in our neighbor as well.
Faith in others means respecting their journey which, by definition, is not our journey. The content of their lives, outside of extreme circumstances, is then not our business. It is God’s.
Our business, as it were, is to live with an open heart, a heart that remains open even on the edges of the human experience.
We find that “edge” when we serve those in need, in trips for example to serve the homeless and addicted. We find the “edge” when life collapses around friends and family – divorce and death come to mind here. We find that “edge” when the cherished but misguided opinions we harbor turn to dust.
We never find the “edge” through judgement or control.
Life on those “edges” always calls us, calls us home, calls us back to the heart, a place where the “fruit born of love bears the seed.”
Sow some seeds this week my friends!