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Why Do People Go to Church? - NewChurch Live

Written by Pastor Chuck | Mar 3, 2022 4:35:25 PM

Years ago, mainstream American culture moved away from being a church-going culture.  Though still true in parts of the country, the idea of consistent, Sunday church attendance as part of a dedicated weekly routine shifted dramatically. 

With a smile, I know those changes are here to stay!  And important to note what people do find in church.

Combining answers from several congregational polls, here is a sampling of what your fellow congregants answered…. 

  • It helps remind of a higher path filled with joy and meaning
  • I go to church because it speaks to me and how I view God.
  • It grounds me.
  • We go to learn, to be reminded of what is real and important period to be inspired period to remain connected with and support the effort to build community and help God make a difference in the world.
  • I go to church because it helps me not feel alone. 
  • I realize everyone is working on or going through something. 
  • It gives me hope.
  • Unite in our attempt to understand this path that we are on
  • I go to church because of my relationship with God.
  • Because I need life to be more than waking, working, sleeping.
  • To start asset framing
  • To be reminded of the true north that is God. 
  • To be reminded that my journey is a shared one
  • I go to church to help level me. 
  • Being in this spiritual community has brought me the peace, friendship, and love that I need to get through the difficulties of life.
  • To take a break from the concerns of worldly things and focus on the spiritual
  • I feel lifted up and connected to my community.
  • Because it reminds me what is important
  • I want to. I cannot do it alone.
  • To feel closer to God
  • I love how I am recharged
  • I feel challenged to be a better person
  • I want to be more connected to my Lord, family, and friends.


Church is many ways has grown to include not just the “Sunday morning 10:30 AM slot” but a full week of self-defined slots.  And, through that all, the heart, the compelling why remains the same!