Christian Living Tips | Faith & Spirituality Insights | NewChurch Live Blog

Fundraising Is Not Our Goal

Written by Pastor Chuck | May 11, 2022 3:40:22 PM

Fundraising is not our goal. Let me repeat that. Fundraising is not our goal. We have shared this repeatedly over the years and it continues to be true. Fundraising is, however, the single most powerful way you can support our congregation.

Building our congregation is equally important to us as is having you be a part of it. In fact, we’ve made it even easier to schedule a meeting with Pastor Chuck on the homepage of our newly designed website.

Have you met with Pastor Chuck this year?  Maybe you are planning a wedding or a baptism and you’ve met with him to plan your service and prepare for the life ahead? Or maybe you are really struggling and you’ve needed some pastoral support through a dark time? We value these  other community offerings and hope you do as well. Your financial support allows Pastor Chuck to connect and support our community in celebration and struggle.


Maybe you’ve participated in a small group? We know that real contentment and community connection happen through personal interactions with one another. Our small groups allow our community to strip away all the noise and get to the core of the things that matter. Small groups are a powerful way to stay connected. Your financial support helps create that connection.

Maybe you’ve been inspired by an online Sunday service seamlessly streamed to you in the comfort of your own home? Each week, countless hours go into planning the message, organizing the music, getting video and blogs posted to the website, as well as the behind the scenes technical knowledge it takes to ensure the service happens without interruption during the stream to your home. Your financial support enables that.


Maybe you’ve tuned in to our daily “10 Minutes of Calm” morning message? These short yet powerful messages are offered every single weekday morning with one goal in mind, to offer inspiration and set your day up for success. The small community that has been tuning in and growing steadily is supported and inspired daily. Your financial support helps bring calm and comfort to others.


The list could truly go on. While fundraising is never our goal, we would love our congregation to help us grow and thrive, but we cannot do that without your financial support.  More and more people are tuning in online, which means we make amazing connections digitally, but that connection still has costs for us. It’s an amazing of growth, as we build our community far and wide, and we would love for you to help us continue that trend. We need your support more than ever.

We hope you find value in the ways you choose to engage with NewChurch Live and we hope you take this opportunity to make a donation before the end of our fiscal year to ensure we are able to meet our fundraising goals. We have $125,000 to go by June 30th  to continue to support our services at the current level. For our future success, for the growth of our community, for our continued acts of service, for our continued fellowship and faith, please consider supporting us today.